The HOPE Award is given to employees who show-and-tell, “I love my job!”
Loving one’s job begins with an enthusiastic embrace of the mission, vision, and values of the organization. It requires an alignment of energy and execution between the employee and employer so processes, polices, and performance expectations are organized and standardized around mutual wants and needs.
The HOPE Award recipient is passionate about achieving the goals of the organization, collaborating and communicating with employer and employees on solutions to challenges and strategies to seize opportunities, day by day.
The recipient is a beacon of hope to others, with attitudes and actions focused on delighting peers and patients, finding moments of gratitude and grace to share with all.
Devoted to the success of the organization.
Hyper-focused on creating better peer-to-peer and patient experiences.
A life force of the organization full of energy and positive goodwill.
Shows initiative and resourcefulness toward completing tasks and solving problems.
Office Manager at Uyesugi Dental
Office Manager at Park Dental Wellness
Office Manager at Cossich Family Dentistry